Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis by John Hedgecoth
I am 52. I'm involved in the Indian community in our state and have at one time served as a state Commissioner of Indian Affairs and with the TN Title VI Compliance Commission. My wife and I started the TN Native Veterans Society.
I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. I also suffer from severe, recurring depression as well as high-level anxiety. I have muscle spasms that are very painful and last for days. I'm currently taking oramorph (morphine) in 30mg slow release/2-3 times a day and also a quick relief formula/15mg every 12 hours as needed. I take valium 5 mgs/4 times a day as needed to help with stress and to help me get to sleep, and methocarbamol 750mgs/three times a day.
I used marijuana in the past first as a recreational user and then soon after I was diagnosed (finally) with fibro in 1992. I have grown my supply in the past until the penalties became too high a price for me to be willing to pay.
I am a 48 year old male. I'm involved in the Indian community in our state and have at one time served as a state Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
Marijuana is the only medication that has relieved my pain to any extent. The morphine serves only to take the edge off and make it bearable. I become tolerant to Valium rather quickly and either have to drop taking it at all or increase the dosage, both against doctors’ advice.
With only a few hits of smoked marijuana my spasms melted away, and I discovered that I had been in constant pain. It was only in the absence of pain that I realized this. I was also able to sleep like I hadn't in many years. Anxiety and depression were gone and I was finally able to relax enough to fall asleep and STAY asleep.
After many years I don't feel like I'm about to die. I'm able to do many things I had done before and I've been able to cut my morphine in half and
have been able to completely stop valium, methacarbonal and anti-depressants.
Just one final note,I am not a criminal!