Hepatitis C
I found out 2 years ago that I was hepatitis C positive from blood
transfusions I received in 1976 and 1982. I was put on a trial study
medicine program; most could not tolerate the side effects and had to stop
treatment. Cannabis keeps me from being as sick and I was able to keep my
medicines down without vomiting all the time, as well as helping my hormones
since I am also suffering from menopause. The liver biopsy will tell the new
chapter of my story, but the one thing I do know is that I was constantly
throwing back up my medicines until I tried cannabis, and this combination
is whats keeping me alive and helping my body fights this awful virus. I
didn't know anything about hepatitis C or cannabis but when you are told you
may die, you best research and find for yourself what may work. My odds are
better since I started meds and been able to keep them in my system to do
their job. You cannot have good results if your stomach won't keep your
medicine down. Cannabis works and I'm living proof. It also helps keep my
blood pressure down, and the hormone stress I have with menopause.